Nicholas Mischler’14

Web & Digital Communications Strategist

 Pronouns: he/him/his  Email:  Phone: 608-363-2467  Office: 2nd Floor, Middle College

Nick has been Beloit College’s web developer since 2015, after graduating from Beloit in 2014. A Japanese Language and Culture major, he learned about websites and web development from his student employment from his first semester in 2010 past graduation through an honors term service award. Given all the time spent on such work, he refers to web development as his, “second, unofficial major.”

When given the opportunity to join on as staff, he took the position without hesitation for the chance to give back to the alma mater that had helped him grow as a person. Now, in addition to front-end and back-end developer work, Nick manages the college website’s content management system (CMS), user training, and best practices for using the website. 

Outside of work, Nick’s interests include photography, music, and games. He particularly enjoys video games, and practicing photography in their worlds, ever since figuring out how to run them on DOS at the age of 2. He recommends some lesser-known, personal favorites: Titanic: Adventure Out of Time (PC, 1996), Threads of Fate/Dewprism (PS1, 1999), and Jet Island (VR, 2018).

Talk to Nick about: anything related to the college website, including editor access, CMS training, content organization, and finding creative solutions to meet college or departmental needs.

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